Hi there,
My name is Mayra Perdomo and I am seeking funding to create a series of documentaries where I visit indigenous tribes and descendants of ancient tribes and document their version of the history of the world, how they heal the body, mind & spirit, how they use music (record the music to make a soundtrack), how climate change has impacted them, and how corporations removing the natural resources has affected them. Lastly I would ask them what their message to the world is.
I am extremely passionate about this project and am looking for funding to cover travel expenses, equipment, donation to tribes, a camera person/assistant, my expenses while abroad, editing and anything else that comes up that I am unaware I would need =o)
The universe implanted this in my soul and I believe I was meant to do this. I have already traveled to 26 countries for work and personal interests and now I would like to travel for knowledge.
I am a holistic healer, studying Reiki and this quest will not only educate the world but aid me in the calling I have been given. After the documentary I would like to open a holistic center to help heal individuals from the inside out (body mind & spirit.)
Thank you for taking the time to read this and I look forward to sharing my journey with you.
Hugs, love and light,
Any donations over $1000 will allow you to view the progress of the documentary and behind the scenes footage via a private youtube page.
Any donations of camera equipment, airline miles, accommodations, introductions and connections with tribes, etc is greatly appreciated as well. If you would like to join me on this journey as a camera person/assistant that may work as well.